Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Where do I start?

Well, let me start with saying that if it takes me as long to start writing every post as this first one has taken, this will not prove to be a very interesting site. For starters, it would probably end with the one that you're reading right now! Please don't get your hopes up: lengthy writing time does not equal a great post.

To give you an idea of how enthralling this entire blog will be, I'll give you a little sneak peak of all of my topical ideas in the last few minutes:
  • The random people that I meet in random places, and the random things they tell me
  • Sections of the book that I'm writing (6 months = 1 chapter. It should be ready for publishing in the Fall 2030. Make sure to get on my fan email list & I'll keep you posted)
  • My dog who's 10 years old and starting to learn tricks. The best one yet: sitting on command. I'll be sure to post pictures.
  • My family, which will most likely be the main topic because, let's face it, they are the core of my social circle these days. Not that I'm complaining, I just happen to have a really great family.
  • Work, which on 2nd thought, will not be an interesting topic. Skip that.
  • Marriage and child-rearing advice: I seem to get asked, and give, much of this. Interesting since I'm neither married nor a parent. I just want to make sure that I put any type of annoying or challenging trait in writing, so that when God blesses me with a husband, children and their respective life experiences, they will be sure to have those specific 'qualities'. Tiffany, do runny noses ring a bell? Callie, what's that they say about drama?
  • My weekend life: I'll warn you now, you'll probably be dying to live vicariously through me.
  • And, finally, my dating life: this will probably need it's own blog site for fear of content capacity overload.
My first challenge: coming up with an amazing 'first post title'. I had the idea to name each post after a song. In this case, the post would be called 'Who Am I' by Casting Crowns. You know, since I'd be introducing myself to millions of readers. The main problem with this idea is I have a hard time, a really hard time, understanding many words in any given song. This makes it tough to describe what song I'm referring to to one of my more musically enhanced/in-the-know peeps to find out what the name of the song is. (Shalom! Shalom!)
My next thought was to make each title a line in a jingle. Better yet, a rap. Maybe one day I'd have my own show 'Nic's House'. Who's house? Nic's house. (That's just a little shout out to all of my fellow Run DMC fans). While this may turn out sounding more like a rhyme for a shower invitation, I think it could be fairly entertaining (for those of us who are easily entertained).
For now, I'll just stick with the basics.

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