Friday, September 5, 2008

Game Day

om•ni•pres•ent: present in all places at all times; Function: adjective

O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD. You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. Psalm 139:1-10

One weekend my sister and brother-in-law, otherwise known as Tiffany and Marc, went out of town. I had the privilege of keeping my nephews while they were away, which is quite a job. Not because they are out of control, but because kids depend on you for everything, and since my dog is pretty content as long as I feed him and take him outside, having three kids for the weekend is an adjustment. On top of the million things that go on in the life of three children on a regular day, it was baseball season. This particular season, John Austin was playing baseball and Reeder was playing T-ball, Ellis was wishing he was old enough to play either! I was so proud because we made it to the ball fields with 3 clean boys (temporary as it was), uniforms in their entirety, all of the right equipment, and we made it on time. For about an hour, John Austin, Ellis and I cheered Reeder and his team on – with Gatorade and Ring-pops to go around. A short time later, Reed, Ellis and I cheered for John Austin’s team with yet another round of sugary treats. Both boys had really great games, and after we loaded up all of the equipment, and three not-so-squeaky-clean boys, we headed home.
As we were driving, I was telling both boys how proud I was of their games that day. They played great, husseled, paid attention, and all with great attitudes, which I of course reiterated was the most important part. As we discussed the details of their games, John Austin made the comment that he knew Jesus was out on the field with him when he had made a particularly great hit. I told him how right he was, and thought to myself how precious it was that in his child-like way, he recognized that God was, and is, with us in every part of our lives – even at baseball games. Well, the conversation didn’t end there. Reeder asked John Austin how he knew Jesus was with him on the baseball field, and being the wiser, older brother, John Austin took the opportunity to explain to his little brothers that Jesus is, in fact, everywhere we are, every day. The backseat went silent for a few minutes – my nephews are great conversationalists, but I enjoyed the beauty of silence, if only for a short time! Reeder finally spoke up, and asked John Austin if Jesus is everywhere, is He with us in the car right now? John Austin wisely responded that not only was Jesus in the car with us right now, but He’s with us when we’re sleeping, he’s with us when we go to school, and he’s even with us when we go to the bathroom. Once again, silence hovered. In my rearview mirror, I saw Reeder stretch his arms out, then his right arm ‘accidentally’ hit the back of the seat. He, in all seriousness, said ‘Oh, sorry, God’. Just a second later, he ‘accidentally’ elbowed the side of Ellis’s car seat. Once again, apologizing to God for hitting him. God is, after all, everywhere. I quietly laughed in the front seat, because it was hilarious to watch. This went on for several more minutes, until we got to the house and I announced that it was bath-time, with quiet-time immediately following. The moment of time that Reed experienced a sweet, child-like interpretation of God’s omnipresence quickly turned into the raw, child-like meltdown of three very tired boys, understanding that the time of horizontal solitude - that may lead to an accidental nap - was quickly approaching. I don’t know who needed a nap the most, the boys or me. Did I mention what hard work fill-in parenting is?!
Over the next several months, I told this story several times before realizing the great, underlying significance it held. Oh, to experience God through the eyes of a child. God is as real and as present as Reeder perceived. If that’s the case, and I am confident it is, I have to ask myself why I don’t make all of my decisions knowing that God is right there with me. How do I speak harsh words knowing that He’s part of the conversation? Why do I dwell on loneliness if He’s always there to listen, and to speak? Why do I try to hide from Him, when in my deepest, darkest moments, He’s right there, with his arms stretched out to pick me up?
My desire is to live every moment as if God is physically right next to me. Every time I reach out to hug someone that isn't as loveable as my closest friends, I want to remember that God is hugging them, too. Every time I stand in line at Target (and my line, which was the shortest to start with, seems to go 10 times slower than all other lines), I want to genuinely smile at the attendant instead of roll my eyes, because I don't know what happened in her life earlier that day.
I challenge you over the next few days to pretend that God is physically next to you. What do your conversations sound like? Does the tone in your voice reflect love & kindness? Do your actions display a servant's heart?
By the way, I'm not there yet! This is one of my many daily battles. My prayer is that each day I'll be just a little more aware than the day before, and be able to look back one day and see true change, from the inside out.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Warning: Be Alert of Your Surroundings

We don’t know what direction they’re coming from” comes a firm, yet calm order. I can’t quite figure out where it’s coming from, but I figure that if I can hear it, I should probably follow his instructions.
My heart starts pounding like it might bounce right out of my chest, unable to exercise the same calm manner. At least someone has everything under control, he sounds like he does anyway. All I can think to do is be still, and wonder why on earth I thought it was a good idea to come get all of this stuff out of the car in my pajamas. What was I thinking?
I’ll tell you what I was thinking – ‘oh, shoot, I didn’t bring all of the bags in from Target last night and I still need to wrap Ellis’ birthday presents.’ That’s it, just trying to be a good aunt. And now I find myself being held hostage in my own front yard.
The guy in charge just said something else, but I missed it because the thoughts in my head are screaming so loud. What should I do? Do I stay where I am or run inside? If I run inside, I may draw attention to myself. Or worse, I may trip on my way in. If I stay where I am, I’ll just be caught in the middle of who knows what, without the chance to run.
I run in. Go, go, go! I’m in the door, it’s closed and locked behind me. Deep breath, take a deep breath.
I didn't get a picture of the invader, but I did get one of the guy in charge. I hear these guys are in most toy boxes, in every neighborhood, in every city across the U.S. Follow their orders, and you'll be safe - to infinity and beyond!

Here's to the millions of toys that make noise, and talk, and entertain for hours on end! More importantly, here's to Ellis who's laughter and love are contagious and unconditional. You are such a joy to each and every person that you meet, and especially to our family. I love you and cannot wait to see the amazing things that God has planned for your life! Happy 3rd Birthday!

To those concerned about my safety and well-being: All is well, I merely had Buzz Light Year in one of my Target bags. I truly had no idea I was hitting the buttons on his vest, causing him to give firm, yet calm orders!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Prologue

But these things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day! -Habakkuk 2:3 TLB

The last several years have been quite a journey for me. There have been several scriptures that have come alive in my life, that I’ve clung to with all of my heart, and hope to share in the coming weeks. Time and time again, they’ve either been laid on my heart or presented in a sermon or through a friend. Whatever the case, each one has impacted me in such a way that I don’t doubt for a second they were, in that very moment, God speaking directly to me.
I don’t know what the rest of this year holds, but I’m expecting really great things to take place. I have seen God work in my life in a way that makes me feel like I’m on the outside looking in. And privileged, not because of who I am, but because of who He’s been in my life. Despite growing up in a loving, God-fearing, Bible-teaching home, I managed to make choices that were life-altering. I can honestly say that I wouldn’t change a thing, because I’ve experienced God. I’ve experienced His grace, His provision and protection, and His power. And I survived. Trust me, there have been many times that I wondered if I would. But, let me say it again, I survived.
My life is funny – I don’t know if it’s necessarily any different than many others or if I just view it differently, but I get a good laugh out of it on a regular basis. I’m confident that I don’t have all of the answers, nor do I feel that I should be making any recommendations on how to walk through life, based on my track record. Most importantly, I want you to know that I am not, in any way, under the impression that I have it all figured out. But what I DO know, is that we have a forgiving God, that loves each and every one of us with such adoration, it’s beyond our imagination. I am confident that He wants to bless each of us, well beyond what we could ever desire on our own. Expect great things, because our God is a great God, and He wants great things for us!

Where do I start?

Well, let me start with saying that if it takes me as long to start writing every post as this first one has taken, this will not prove to be a very interesting site. For starters, it would probably end with the one that you're reading right now! Please don't get your hopes up: lengthy writing time does not equal a great post.

To give you an idea of how enthralling this entire blog will be, I'll give you a little sneak peak of all of my topical ideas in the last few minutes:
  • The random people that I meet in random places, and the random things they tell me
  • Sections of the book that I'm writing (6 months = 1 chapter. It should be ready for publishing in the Fall 2030. Make sure to get on my fan email list & I'll keep you posted)
  • My dog who's 10 years old and starting to learn tricks. The best one yet: sitting on command. I'll be sure to post pictures.
  • My family, which will most likely be the main topic because, let's face it, they are the core of my social circle these days. Not that I'm complaining, I just happen to have a really great family.
  • Work, which on 2nd thought, will not be an interesting topic. Skip that.
  • Marriage and child-rearing advice: I seem to get asked, and give, much of this. Interesting since I'm neither married nor a parent. I just want to make sure that I put any type of annoying or challenging trait in writing, so that when God blesses me with a husband, children and their respective life experiences, they will be sure to have those specific 'qualities'. Tiffany, do runny noses ring a bell? Callie, what's that they say about drama?
  • My weekend life: I'll warn you now, you'll probably be dying to live vicariously through me.
  • And, finally, my dating life: this will probably need it's own blog site for fear of content capacity overload.
My first challenge: coming up with an amazing 'first post title'. I had the idea to name each post after a song. In this case, the post would be called 'Who Am I' by Casting Crowns. You know, since I'd be introducing myself to millions of readers. The main problem with this idea is I have a hard time, a really hard time, understanding many words in any given song. This makes it tough to describe what song I'm referring to to one of my more musically enhanced/in-the-know peeps to find out what the name of the song is. (Shalom! Shalom!)
My next thought was to make each title a line in a jingle. Better yet, a rap. Maybe one day I'd have my own show 'Nic's House'. Who's house? Nic's house. (That's just a little shout out to all of my fellow Run DMC fans). While this may turn out sounding more like a rhyme for a shower invitation, I think it could be fairly entertaining (for those of us who are easily entertained).
For now, I'll just stick with the basics.